Real Dirt Foresters
We are experts in soil delineation for southern pine silviculture. We produce land classification tools that forest managers, money managers, and researchers use to make better forest management decisions. Informed managers choose practices that increase return on invested capital while protecting environmental values.
Technical Services
- Land delineation for comprehensive land classification projects, simple single factor delineations, micro-site delineation for optimum placement of research plots, and large scale delineation for rapid evaluation of land acquisitions or exchanges.
- Interpretation of data underlying soil polygons to extract the information needed to enhance silvicultural decisions. Tactical and strategic decision are enhanced by visual, spatial, and quantitative analysis of land qualitites. Your soil maps will speak your language.
- Evaluation of productivity, economic potential, management options, and environmental risks and rewards of forest land management.
Extensive Experience
We have mapped millions of acres of industrial forest land across the southeast. Our scientists have surveyed forest soil from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia south to the sandy flatwoods of Florida and from the organic pocosins of North Carolina west to the pineywoods of east Texas. Our experience includes all physiographic provinces of the southeast and all commercial pine species.
- Licensed Professional Geoscientist - Soil Science - Texas 1704
- Certified Forester
- Certified Soil Scientist
Contact Lewis Williams
REMINDER: This listing is a free service of ArkansasLandCAN.
Lewis Williams is not employed by or affiliated with the Arkansas Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.
Contact Lewis Williams
Forestry and Land Resource Consultants, Inc.
1407 Live Oak
Lufkin, TX 75904
Phone: (936) 632-6964
Service Area
Statewide service provider in:
- Arkansas
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Texas