McIlroy Madison County WMA Updated:04/2023

Area Notes

  • A free annual General Use Permit (WMP) is required to hunt or trap on WMAs. Permits are available online by clicking "Buy Licenses" at or by calling (833) 345-0325 or any regional office.
  • CWD regulations apply. 
  • All deer and bear harvested during the permit hunts must be checked in at the Area Headquarters.
  • All caves closed to public access.
  • Holders of AGFC mobility Impaired Access (MIA) may operate ATVs only on designated mobility access areas; roads 2c, 13c, and 16c.


There are currently 23 primitive camping sites designated on the area. These areas were developed and are maintained by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Area maps depict exact locations of camping sites as well as the natural area and overlook. Camping is restricted to designated areas only.


The area is typical rugged Ozark Mountain terrain with numerous steep mountains and hollows. Elevations range from 1,100 to over 1,600 feet above mean sea level. The area is extensively forested in upland hardwood and shortleaf pine/upland hardwood timber stands with associated understory and midstory vegetation. There are numerous small streams on the area that are all tributaries of the nearby Kings River which skirts the eastern boundary of the area. The area consists of a total of 14,536 acres of state owned land.

Contact McIlroy Madison County WMA

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of ArkansasLandCAN.
McIlroy Madison County WMA is not employed by or affiliated with the Arkansas Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.


Contact McIlroy Madison County WMA

Wildlife Management Area
272 Madison 1235
Huntsville, AR  72740
Phone: (833) 340-7506
Toll Free: (833) 345-0325

Service Area

Services provided in:
  • Carroll County, Arkansas
  • Madison County, Arkansas