Private Wetland-Riparian Zone Creation and Restoration Incentive Updated:05/2024

The purpose of this program is to encourage private landowners to restore and enhance existing wetlands and riparian zones, and when possible to create new wetlands and riparian zones. This is because the State continues to experience significant loss of wetlands, and because the majority of lands suitable for wetlands and riparian zones are held by private owners. Wetlands and riparian zones provide the State with significant benefits in the areas of flood control, water quality enhancement, fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, and recharging of groundwater. The program was created by the Arkansas Private Wetland and Riparian Zone Creation and Restoration Incentive Act of 1995" (Arkansas Code Annotated §26-51-1501 et seq. (Act 561 of 1995)," which allows a credit against the tax imposed by the Arkansas Income Tax Act (Arkansas Code Annotated §26-51-101 et seq.) for any taxpayer engaged in the development or restoration of wetlands and riparian zones.

Anyone wishing to submit an application for a tax credit under this program should obtain a copy of Title XIII - Rules Governing the Tax Credit Program for the Creation and Restoration of Private Wetland and Riparian Zones from the Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission.

Contact Private Wetland-Riparian Zone Creation and Restoration Incentive

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of ArkansasLandCAN.
Private Wetland-Riparian Zone Creation and Restoration Incentive is not employed by or affiliated with the Arkansas Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.


Contact Private Wetland-Riparian Zone Creation and Restoration Incentive

Tate Wentz
Water Quality Section Manager
101 East Capitol
Little Rock, AR  72201
Phone: (501) 682-3914
Fax: (501) 682-3991

Service Area

Statewide Program in:
  • Arkansas